
By far the most important things for birds are homes- where they live, and the interconnected web of all of the creatures in their habitats. Find out more about where they live, from marshes to moors, seas to sand dunes

Marsh and Wetland

Marsh and Wetland 

Marshes and wetlands are water-saturated environments, often found in low-lying areas. They provide breeding, feeding, and nesting grounds for diverse bird species like the Reed Warbler, Common Snipe, and Water Rail. They also serve as vital stopover points for migratory birds, offering rest and nourishment. By filtering pollutants and trapping sediments, they even improve water quality! They can also control floods by absorbing excess rainfall and slowly releasing it, reducing flood risks downstream.
birds flying in the sunset swamp
Fulmar flying over the North Sea near the Farne islands in Northumberland.
Small cute tail tit sitting on a branch at bird feeder

Wetlands are Disappearing

Up to 90% of the UK's wetlands have disappeared- in the last 100 years.
10% of freshwater and wetland species are in danger of extinction. Two thirds are in decline.

Ancient Oak Woodland 

Oak forests are woodlands dominated by oaks, such as English and sessile oak. These forests are incredibly important ecosystems, rich in biodiversity and providing essential services to both wildlife and humans.

Crucial Bird Habitats:

  • Provide nesting sites and food sources for birds like the Tawny Owl, Great Spotted Woodpecker, and Wood Warbler.
  • Support species such as the Eurasian Jay and Treecreepers, which rely on acorns and insects found in oak forests.

Environmental Benefits:

  • Improve soil health by enhancing organic matter and supporting beneficial fungi.
  • Stabilize water cycles by retaining groundwater and reducing surface runoff, helping to prevent erosion.
Primeval deciduous stand of natural forest in summertime with huge broken oak branch in foreground,Bialowieza Forest,Poland,Europe

Coastal Dunes

Coastal dunes are stunning natural landscapes found along the shorelines, characterized by sandy hills shaped by the wind and waves. These unique habitats are vital for wildlife and provide numerous benefits to the environment and local communities.

Crucial Bird Habitats:

  • Provide nesting sites for birds like the Little Tern, Skylark, and Sand Martin.
  • Support species such as the Ringed Plover and Meadow Pipit, offering shelter and food.

Environmental Benefits:

  • Protect inland areas from storm surges and coastal erosion by acting as natural barriers.
  • Help maintain clean water by filtering rainwater as it flows through the sand.
baby bird of a Little tern

Moorland Conservation Package

Description: Our Moorland Habitat Conservation Packages are dedicated to preserving and revitalizing these unique ecosystems. By contributing to this package, you actively participate in:

What this Package Does:

  • Invasive Species Management: We combat invasive species to protect the integrity of moorland habitats.

  • Heathland Restoration: Efforts are channeled into restoring native moorland flora, creating a balanced and biodiverse ecosystem.

  • Sustainable Land Management: We implement practices that ensure the long-term health of these critical habitats.

  • Habitat Creation: We'll create and maintain suitable habitats for endangered bird species, including the Merlin and Red Grouse.

Help Bird Species Like: Merlin, Red Grouse, golden eagle, curlew.

Intense eagle. A majestic golden eagle has an intense look as she stands behind some moorland heather.

Heathland Conservation Package

Description: Our Heathland Habitat Conservation Packages protect and rejuvenate these unique ecosystems. With your contribution, we focus on:

What this Package Does:

Invasive Species Management: Safeguarding heathlands from invasive species, including weeding out nettles, and removing himalayan balsam.

Native Plant Restoration: Restoring native plants like heather and gorse.

Habitat Creation: Creating spaces for birds like the Dartford warbler and Stonechat.

Help Bird Species Like: Dartford Warbler, Stonechat, Raven, Hen Harrier

Join us in preserving heathlands and protecting these avian habitats for future generations.


Side view of brown single harrier flying above wetland in sunlight